In May of this year, I had the pleasure of visiting Paris, the City of Light. While the city’s charm and allure are undeniable, there were a few surprises along the way that I wish I had known before my trip. Here are fifteen insider tips, based on my personal experience, to help you make the most of your visit to Paris. You would hardly find these tips anywhere else on the internet, so for a smoother and more enjoyable trip, read on.

1. Navigating Public Toilets in Paris

Finding and using public toilets can be very challenging. Public restrooms are available in major tourist areas, parks, some metro stations, shopping centers, museums, and department stores, though they can be scarce in less touristy parts of the city. Stopping at a café or restaurant is a convenient way to find a restroom, as most establishments will allow you to use their facilities if you make a small purchase, otherwise most typically charge a €0.50 to €1.50 fee. Additionally, Paris has automatic public toilets known as "Sanisettes," which are free to use and scattered throughout the city. Look for the blue signs, but be prepared for occasional queues.

Tips for Using Public Toilets

  • Carry Tissue Paper: Not all public toilets are well-stocked with toilet paper, so carrying a small pack of tissues is wise.
  • Sanitizer is Your Friend: Public restrooms can vary in cleanliness, so having hand sanitizer can be very handy.
  • Timing: Use restrooms at quieter times, such as early in the morning or later in the afternoon, to avoid long lines.

2. Tips for the Iconic Eiffel Tower

Avoiding annoying vendors: One of the first things you’ll notice around the Eiffel Tower is the sheer number of vendors trying to sell miniature Eiffel Tower models. It can be quite overwhelming and distracting. These vendors are persistent, but a polite "Non, merci" will usually suffice to keep them at bay.

Climbing the Eiffel Tower: You can buy tickets to go up the Eiffel Tower, and it’s worth every penny. The tower is open daily from 9:30 AM to 11:45 PM. Be sure to book tickets in advance to avoid long lines. The views from the top are breathtaking, and there’s even a champagne bar at the summit for a special treat.

Dining at the Eiffel Tower: Yes, you can actually dine at the Eiffel Tower! There are two main restaurants: Le Jules Verne, a Michelin-starred restaurant on the second floor, and 58 Tour Eiffel on the first floor, which offers a more casual dining experience. Both are quite pricey but provide a unique dining experience with spectacular views.

3. Disneyland Paris: The Happiest Place on Earth

If you’re traveling with kids, don’t miss Disneyland Paris. Located about an hour from the city, it offers an unforgettable experience. The Lion King show and the Avengers Campus were our favorites. Be prepared for long lines, and consider taking Disney’s shuttle bus for convenient transportation to and from the city. The shuttle has several stops in Paris where it picks up passengers. When booking, make sure to select the location closest to your hotel for the easiest access.

Tip: Arrive early to make the most of your day, wear comfortable shoes for walking, and consider using FastPass to skip the longer lines for popular attractions.

At Disneyland Paris Central Park with my wife and daughter!

4. Finding the Perfect Spot for Eiffel Tower Photos

Not every spot around the Eiffel Tower offers great photo opportunities. I struggled to find the perfect angle until I discovered that one of the best spots for photos is from the Trocadéro Gardens. Another great spot is from as close as 50 feet away from the tower itself, where you can capture its grandeur without obstruction.

Tip: Visit the Trocadéro Gardens early in the morning or late in the evening to avoid the crowds and get stunning shots.

5. Small Hotel Rooms 

Be prepared for smaller hotel rooms if you’re staying in Paris. Unless you're staying at a 5-star hotel, the average size of a standard hotel room in Paris is around 160-200 square feet, which is significantly smaller than the average hotel room in the U.S. that typically ranges from 300 to 400 square feet. This size includes both living space and bathroom facilities, which can feel quite compact compared to what you might be used to in the U.S. To make the most of your stay, opt for space-saving storage solutions and minimalist designs to maximize your room's functionality and comfort​.

Tip: Use under-bed storage, wall shelves, and packing cubes to keep your room organized and clutter-free.

6. Food and Markets

Paris is a haven for food lovers. Don’t miss the chance to try local delicacies at street markets, from fresh baguettes and pastries to cheese and wine. One of the must-try street foods is the delicious freshly made crêpe - this certainly was my favorite. These thin, pancake-like treats can be found at street vendors all around the city. Crêpes come in both sweet and savory varieties, typically made from a simple batter of flour, eggs, milk, and a pinch of salt. Sweet crêpes might be filled with Nutella.

Visit markets like Marché des Enfants Rouges, the oldest covered market in Paris, for an authentic experience.

7. Don’t Miss the Eiffel Tower Light Show

The Eiffel Tower’s light show is a must-see. Every evening, the tower sparkles with 20,000 light bulbs for five minutes every hour on the hour after dusk. This enchanting display was designed by Pierre Bideau and attracts many tourists each night. More about the light show.

8. Walking the Champs-Élysées

A stroll along the Champs-Élysées is a must. It’s not only home to one of the world’s best Sephora stores and many other high-end shops, but also a place steeped in history and culture. Known as "La plus belle avenue du monde" (the most beautiful avenue in the world), it stretches for 1.9 kilometers from the Arc de Triomphe to Place de la Concorde. The avenue is lined with theaters, cafés, and luxury shops. You might even catch a dazzling performance by Street Dance Paris, which was one of the highlights of our visit.

Fun Fact: The Champs-Élysées is the site of the finish line of the Tour de France.

Tourists strolling the iconic Champs-Élysées.

9. Book a Tour with an Official Guide

For an immersive experience, book a walking tour with an official guide. I used The Tour Guy and highly recommend them. Be prepared to walk, but it’s worth it for the personal insights and intricate details of French history. During our tour, our tour group even saw the French and Chinese First Ladies during a state visit! If a guided tour isn't an option, try self-guided GPS audio tour apps like Urbs Travel.

10. Take a River Seine Cruise

A cruise on the River Seine is one of the best ways to see Paris's most iconic landmarks from a unique perspective. As you glide along the serene waters, you'll pass by some of the city's most famous sites, including the Eiffel Tower, Notre-Dame Cathedral, and the Louvre Museum. The cruise also offers stunning views of the Musée d'Orsay, the historic Île de la Cité, and the beautiful bridges like Pont Alexandre III and Pont Neuf. Opt for an evening cruise to witness the magic of Paris illuminated against the night sky, which is truly a sight to behold. Many cruise options include dinner or champagne, making it a romantic and memorable experience.

Tip: Book your tickets in advance to ensure availability, especially during peak tourist seasons. Evening cruises are particularly popular, so plan ahead to secure a spot.

Stunning view of a cruise boat gliding past the iconic Eiffel Tower on the serene River Seine.

11. Navigating the Louvre Museum

The Louvre is the largest museum in the world, home to thousands of works of art so it’s easy to get overwhelmed. Be prepared for extensive walking and large crowds. Consider purchasing tickets in advance and visiting early in the day to avoid the busiest times.

Tip: Plan your visit by focusing on key pieces and don’t miss the Mona Lisa.

Did you know?: The museum was once a fortress and is one of the oldest parts of the city. 

Joining the sea of admirers at the Louvre to catch a glimpse of the iconic Mona Lisa! 🖼️👀

12. Watch Out for Bracelet Scams at Sacré-Cœur

Sacré-Cœur Basilica in Montmartre boasts stunning architecture and breathtaking views of Paris from the top of the hill. The area around Sacré-Cœur is vibrant, filled with street performers, artists, and local shops. But be cautious of scammers around the area. One common scam involves individuals trying to put bracelets on tourists' wrists. They will often ask you to extend your hand under the guise of a friendly gesture, then tie a bracelet on and demand money. This can be quite aggressive and uncomfortable.

Tip: Keep your hands to yourself and politely decline any unsolicited offers.

Living statues pulling off the ultimate 'freeze frame' in front of Sacré-Cœur! 🗿😂

13. Dress Like a Parisian

Parisians are known for their chic and sophisticated style. To blend in, opt for classic, well-fitted clothing. Avoid overly casual attire like flip-flops or sportswear unless you’re at the gym.

Tip: Pack versatile pieces that can be mixed and matched, and bring comfortable yet stylish shoes for walking. Don’t forget a pair of stylish sunglasses to complete your look. Check out our collection of designer sunglasses here.

14. Watch Out for Pickpockets

Like any major tourist destination, Paris has its share of pickpockets, especially in crowded areas and on public transportation. Be vigilant, keep your belongings secure, and avoid carrying large amounts of cash.

Tip: Use a crossbody bag with a secure zipper or an anti-theft backpack for added security. This is what I used during my trip and found it very practical.

15. Learn Basic French Phrases

While many Parisians speak English, knowing a few basic French phrases can go a long way in enhancing your experience. Simple greetings and polite expressions like “Bonjour” (hello), “Merci” (thank you), and “S'il vous plaît” (please) can make interactions smoother and more pleasant.


Paris is a city that captivates and delights. By knowing these tips, you can enhance your visit and create unforgettable memories. Whether it’s navigating the metro, enjoying a leisurely meal, or exploring hidden gems, being prepared can make all the difference. For all your travel essentials, including stylish luggage, versatile backpacks, and handy travel accessories, visit Top Travel Basics. Safe travels!

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